10 Car Parts That Can Surprisingly Be Recycled & Reused


Recycling is an amazing way to minimize carbon footprint and helps to extend the shelf life of the vehicle. In case the car parts have stopped working, giving it to someone else will extend the life of his vehicle by a few years and prevent these parts from going in the junkyard. The question is which parts can be recycled, and the detailed list of recycled & reused car parts have complied in this article in the subsequent paragraphs:



Most people don’t know, but engines can be recycled. If something happens to the engine and engine replacement is the only way to fix the problem. Handing it to someone would be the best course of action. Also, the old engine can be salvaged. Several mechanics and car enthusiasts have built some amazing projects using the old engines. Even if it’s impossible to salvage, it’s better to extract other parts from it and install them on other cars.



Batteries are one of the most frequently recycled car parts and work flawlessly once certain improvements have been made to them. Unfortunately, most of the state laws prevent individuals from discarding their batteries poorly & have a look at the state laws while discarding the car batteries. Car batteries consist of toxic substances, and giving the old batteries away is the best way to get new batteries in return.

Car Tires

Car Tires

Not many people know, but tires can be recycled. Tires are not completely biodegradable, so recycling them as quickly as possible is vital. Worn-out tires aren’t used for the purpose they were manufactured and are generally found on surfaces like playground surfaces, asphalt, and even gasoline.


The transmission’s working resembles the engine, which is generally torn-apart, refurbished, recycled, and reused. The cars that need transmission replacement after a while them these transmissions are rebuilt and extended their lifespan by a few years.

Gas Tanks

Gas Tanks

Did you know that you can sell gas tanks? If you get the oil changed from an oil change center, it’s their responsibility to ensure that the filters and the used oil are disposed of properly. Invest in top-quality oil and change the oil if you possess adequate knowledge. Take the gas tank to the online car parts and accessories store and inquire about its cost.


Numerous pieces of glasses go to waste on an everyday basis. Glass is a non-biodegradable substance and takes time to decompose on an everyday basis. This is why it’s vital to decompose the glass components properly. The Glass is generally used to make bottles, floor tiles, jewelry, and other glass products!

Starters & Alternators

Both starters and alternators consist of valuable possessions inside them. Selling your starter or an alternator to the online car parts and accessories store can help you earn some cash, thereby helping with the smooth working of the car.

Catalytic Converters

Catalytic Converters

The catalytic converter is responsible for transforming the harmful substances present in the vehicle’s engine into less harmful substances. The best part is catalytic converters can be recycled. Therefore, carry out the catalytic converter replacement by taking the old converter out and inserting the new one.

Car Carpets & Mats

Carpets are completely non-biodegradable & can be disposed of in numerous ways. You have to look for a community that takes the used carpets & gives your vehicle carpets to them.

Belts & Hose

You can reuse belts and hoses if they’re in good condition. It’s an integral part of the vehicle & can be installed on other cars in case they don’t work properly in your car.

The Bottom Line

Recycling the car parts is a more feasible approach than throwing them away. Recycle the old parts and install the new ones by getting in touch with the reputed car parts and accessories store online ‘The Auto Parts Shop’ and increase the lifespan of other cars.

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