What to Do When the Tire Pressure Drops?

Safety is a crucial aspect that shouldn’t be compromised at any cost. A properly inflated tire keeps you safe on the road, especially during a long journey. A sudden drop in tire pressure leaves you stranded on the road, and experts at ‘The Auto Parts Shop‘ have come up with solutions for tire pressure dropping… Continue reading What to Do When the Tire Pressure Drops?

Windshield Crack: Here Is What You Should Do?

Car windshield goes through several things on an everyday basis. Sometimes they get pelted with dirt and bugs or get heated with sunlight exposure, or keep the debris and rocks away from the car. As a result, the windshield isn’t immune from problems and has cracks or dings on it. With such things, the windshield… Continue reading Windshield Crack: Here Is What You Should Do?

P0455 – Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Leak Detected

The gas cap is held responsible for a P0455 code flashing on the car’s computer once the scan tool is attached to determine the cause. We try our best to repair or replace gas caps which isn’t the root cause of the issue. The problem is something else, and a mechanic inspection would help you… Continue reading P0455 – Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Leak Detected