There are times when we have to drive at night. Our visibility reduces at night, and driving often becomes a concern. Fortunately, we’ve headlights that protect us from dangers on the road and getting into unwanted situations. Also, You would be penalized if you drive without headlights at night. Behind the smooth working headlights lies… Continue reading How To Change The Headlight Globes Of Your Car?
Author: mohitsharma
How To Replace A Worn Or Broken Fan Belt?
A simple fix often gets costly when taken to the mechanic for replacement. However, there is no need to take the car for a garage fix every time something happens, as simple steps can resolve the issue in no time. What’s a Fan Belt & What it Does? A fan belt is an integral car… Continue reading How To Replace A Worn Or Broken Fan Belt?
Car Features that Will Keep You Safe on Road
Did you know that approx 1.35 million individuals die due to road accidents, and several experience severe injuries globally? Before buying a car, the enthusiast primarily considers the safety aspect. Of course, keeping you and your loved ones safe isn’t your responsibility, but even the manufacturers go the extra mile to integrate these features into… Continue reading Car Features that Will Keep You Safe on Road