Imagine you have been driving for a long time and haven’t paid heed to the enabled parking brake. This isn’t a big deal for many, but in reality, it could do a lot more to your car than you think. Curious to know what an emergency brake comes on while driving could do to your… Continue reading Driving with On Parking Brake(Here’s What Will Happen)
Author: mohitsharma
Does Cruise Control Save Gas with Frequently Asked Questions?
Car enthusiasts have heard the term cruise control and have installed them in their cars. Also, those going on long trips or commuting every day know this car component. These components have minimized the constant use of the acceleration pedal and saves car fuel. As the fuel consumption reduces, the fuel pump visits are minimized.… Continue reading Does Cruise Control Save Gas with Frequently Asked Questions?
How Automotive Gas Struts Work?
Gas struts, also known as lift supporters or lift struts, are an integral component installed in cars, trucks, and many other things. They are available in various styles and has helped several automotive and non-automotive component run smoothly. This article discusses the detailed automotive gas struts working & their role in the vehicle. Why We… Continue reading How Automotive Gas Struts Work?