A wheel bearing is an integral component of your drive-axle assembly of the car. These components help the wheel rotate smoothly and are responsible for decreasing the friction caused due to other drive train components. Proper lubrication and care will boost the longevity of the vehicles and help them do their job smoothly. Step by… Continue reading How to Lubricate Wheel Bearings?
Author: mohitsharma
Common Car Repairs that are Performed After Collision
Car collisions take palace due to several reasons; some of them include the weather, car breaking down, overspeeding, or distractions. These situations make the driver lose control over the vehicle and damage it to a great extent. These situations are unavoidable, but certain repairs can help it get back on track. Getting the damaged parts… Continue reading Common Car Repairs that are Performed After Collision
How to Choose the Right Tires for Your Car?
Car tires are the most integral component using which a connection between road surface & vehicle is established. It’s vital to invest in the right set of tires as they improve the acceleration, braking quality & handling of the car. Good quality tires bring significant improvements in the car’s fuel efficiency. To prevent an unpleasant… Continue reading How to Choose the Right Tires for Your Car?