Did you know that approx 1.35 million individuals die due to road accidents, and several experience severe injuries globally? Before buying a car, the enthusiast primarily considers the safety aspect. Of course, keeping you and your loved ones safe isn’t your responsibility, but even the manufacturers go the extra mile to integrate these features into your car. Most models have standard features that keep the passengers as safe as possible. Let’s explore these car safety features that would save you from collisions and accidents:

There is hardly any car that doesn’t have standard airbags inside it. The manufacturers hardly miss installing these car parts inside the vehicle. However, certain things must be considered before purchasing these airbags. First, install the airbags that offer more than standard features. You can also consider side airbags with specialized locks that prevent the installation of front-seat airbags. Ensure that these airbags keep your child safe while driving.
Traction Control

Traction control is an additional feature installed on the anti-locking brake system. This system limits how many spins your wheels can generate while driving. If it notices that one side of the car spins more than another, then the car’s balance will be hindered, thereby increasing the possibility of skidding. The pulsating pressure of the brakes helps stabilize your car and helps you halt immediately while driving.
Adaptive Headlights

The headlights are a boon for the drivers as they help them see things on the road. As the sun disappears, the standard headlights help you see objects on the road, but the adaptive one goes an extra mile. When installed in modern automotive systems, these headlights calibrate elevation, sense oncoming traffic, and read environmental dangers like fog. This offers you super visibility no matter where you take your car.
Lane Drift Alerts

Lane drift alerts aren’t the standard vehicle features but will be integrated into the car in the future.40% of collisions occur due to lane drift and make the cars clip each other on the road. While overspeeding these collisions leads to fatalities. The moment the driver starts stepping out of his lane, these alerts inform the driver about the same and keep you on track while driving.
Facial Recognition Software

Facial Recognition software has become an integral part of affordable cars like the Subaru Forester, introduced at the New York Auto Show. It keeps the driver alert and warns him while not paying attention. Other carmakers will reap the benefits of these features like ABS installed in the standard system. They’ll be a part of drivers’ seats in the future, and vibrations produced by the seats will alert them.
In addition to this, night features will be integrated to warn the passengers and drivers. Smart headlights will minimize their high beam as they notice oncoming traffic. The drivers would expect these car safety features in their vehicles.
Where to Buy these Car Safety Features From?
Installing these safety models would burn a hole in your pocket. However, you can save money by getting quality and reasonable Car Safety parts from Autoparts. The best part is that these would be delivered in a day and enter the make, year, and model to find the right part.
The Bottom Line
Car safety features will keep you and your loved ones safe. Also, these features give you the chance to drive the car with confidence and security.