The car can’t run properly without clean air, fuel, or oil. There is one very important component , the air filter that keeps the heart of the vehicle ‘The Engine’ free from contaminants and allows clean liquids to enter inside it. Unfortunately, the entry of contaminants within these filters often leads to a mechanical failure that needs to be prevented to help the engine run smoothly. This article covers everything regarding air filters and recommends air filter replacement to overcome the mechanical issues in no time:
The lifespan of Air Filters
Most air filter lifespan lasts for a lifetime and undergoes replacement during damage. However, to help your car perform optimally, these must be replaced after 12,000 to 15,000 miles. Avoid driving in dusty conditions to reduce this replacement time. A qualified mechanic must be consulted for a replacement schedule, and the vehicle must be taken for timely inspection.
Air Filters: Take the Contaminated Air
Have you ever noticed an old car sputtering or puffing black smoke from it? As you drive, you will notice a puffing or sputtering black smoke coming out of the car, which is accompanied by an illuminating check engine light which means that the shelf life of the filter has ended. This issue can be resolved by air filter replacement or cleaning.
Cleaning the air filter is very simple. Take the intake hose attached to the air collection box and remove the filter. Hold the filter against the light . Once you see the light, try cleaning it or replacing it.
Benefits of Air Filter Replacement

Cleaning and changing the air filter would enhance the performance of your vehicle. As they stop working properly, an air filter replacement would send clean air and liquid within the car. This isn’t the only benefit of the filter; continue reading to determine other benefits:
Increases Fuel Efficiency
A clogged air filter replacement would give a boost to the engine’s efficiency and acceleration depending on the make and model of the car. If you notice changes in the vehicle’s efficiency and acceleration the vehicle should be taken for a regular air filter replacement. The question is, how does an air filter increase fuel efficiency.
Minimizes Emissions
Dirty or damaged filters minimize the airflow and alter the air to fuel the balance of the car. This imbalance pollutes the spark plugs leading to engine miss or rough idle. It also increases the engine deposits and illuminates the check engine light. This imbalance impacts the vehicle’s exhaust system, ultimately resulting in pollution.
Boosts Engine’s Longevity
Even a particle as small as grain can get inside the filter and damage the internal components like the cylinders and pistons. The only way to fix this issue is through air filter replacement. A clean filter will collect the dirt and debris, preventing it from reaching the combustion chamber and saving you from hefty repairs.
Common Air Filter Issues

Now you have understood about air filters it’s time to understand common air filter issues so that the issue can be resolved accordingly:
Strange Engine Noises
An idling or stationary car will give smooth vibrations as the engine is efficient. If you notice coughing, popping, or spitting noises, that means the engine isn’t receiving adequate airflow and needs to be replaced sooner. This situation arises from a clogged filter thereby altering the air in the fuel mixture of the car. The fuel mixture leads to black soot formation on the spark plugs. The noise of the spark plugs doesn’t fire properly, gives rise to issues while starting the car, and misfires.
Decreased Performance
If your car isn’t performing normally while pressing the accelerator or working slower than before. It is due to the dirty air filter that prevents the engine from getting clean air. Air filter replacement can fix these issues in no time.
Minimizes Fuel Economy
Decreased fuel economy is a consequence of dirty air filters. This kind of filter reduces the airflow, thereby reducing the oxygen levels within the system. The engine compensates during this situation by consuming more fuel to move the same distance that you used to cover while driving with a clean filter.
Black Smoke or Flames Come Out of the Exhaust
Inadequate air supply means that the engine won’t run on a fuel-rich mixture that won’t burn completely before entering the exhaust. Due to this, you would notice a black soot residue within the car. Otherwise, the heat present in the exhaust might ignite unburnt fuel; flames start coming from the exhaust, accompanied by popping sounds.
What Turns the Check Engine Light On?

An inadequate air supply leads to carbon deposits within the engine, followed by an illuminating check engine light. Ensure that the air filter is checked for replacement during diagnosis. Also, car manufacturers often recommend an engine change after covering 12,000 miles or after 12 months if you notice a dirty filter.
Where to Buy the Air Filters From?
If your air filter gets damaged, it’s time to get a new one and install it inside the car. You can get quality and authentic air filters from the well-established car parts and accessories store ‘The Auto Parts Shop‘. We have a wide variety of air filters that fit within your car without any hassle. Every filter is thoroughly tested before delivering them to you. The best part is the filters are available at affordable prices.
The Bottom Line
Replace the air filters if the old one has been damaged or worn out. Always invest in quality filters and allow the entry of clean air within the engine.