Keeping the tools clean and well-maintained isn’t just about keeping them grease-free. It also boosts the longevity of the tools by several years. All you need is water, detergent, & a degreaser before carrying out the job properly. The use of sockets, rachets, and brake parts cleaner would make your tools look spick and span.… Continue reading How to Make the Tools Look Spick & Span?
Author: mohitsharma
3 Ways to Fix a Flat Tire
Nothing hampers your peace of mind more than flat tire situations that occur unexpectedly. This puts everything on a halt and needs to wait till the situation is resolved. However, if you have a spare tire and know the flat tire fix, you can come out of the situation in no time. Want to know… Continue reading 3 Ways to Fix a Flat Tire
Defensive Driving in Traffic
Every day we come across situations where we’ve to drive in heavy traffic. Driving in traffic leads to anxiety and impairs the driver’s performance to a great extent. You need to be extra careful in such situations and check the movement of cars around you. Here is some driving in traffic safety tips for commuters… Continue reading Defensive Driving in Traffic