10 Ways to Make Your Car More Fuel Efficient to Save You Money?


Did you know that a car burns more fuel when it’s not maintained on a routine basis? The fuel cost has been surging every now and then. There is nothing we can do about it, and you end up spending more money so that the vehicle works smoothly. Make the fuel economy better by incorporating these simple and effective ways discussed as follows.”

Use Throttle as Minimum as Possible

Ensure that the throttle is applied minimum times while driving. Instead, apply the accelerator softly and smoothly. Speeding isn’t a hassle, but you must try applying it as smoothly as possible. It is similar to participating in a marathon where one needs to plan his pace and reserve some energy simultaneously. When applied promptly, driving at fast speed and acceleration will consume a copious amount of fuel; therefore, gentle driving is highly recommended.

Keep the Filters in Top-Notch Condition

We hardly give any attention to small parts like the air filters. Clogged filters and deteriorated spark plugs would impede fuel efficiency and prevent the vehicle from working smoothly. You can save a great deal of money by performing the installation process by yourself.

Fill the Right Oil in Your Car


Most people are unaware of the kind of oil they are putting in their cars. Different motor oils have different viscosities and are added depending on the engine type. Adding a thicker oil will make your engine work harder, making it burn more fuel than normal. Thin-oil won’t give the car the necessary lubrication. Always look at the owner’s manual to give the car what it actually needs.

Incorporate Advanced Driving Techniques

If you want to reap the benefits of an extra gallon of gas, try being smart with your driving. Incorporate the “Pulse and Grind” technique, which means quickly accelerating the car at the desired speed & taking the foot off the gas to glide it as it slows down. If you are in a hilly area, reap the benefits of gravity to boost your mileage. However, this technique doesn’t work well in traffic, and breaks need to be applied every now and then.

Make Sure that Tires are Filled with Air

It’s not good to drive a vehicle with under-inflated vehicles. One of the reasons is decreased fuel efficiency. Properly inflated tires help you prevent drag and make the vehicle’s fuel economy better by five mpg. Understand the pressure levels of the vehicle with the user manual and ensure that it is checked on a regular basis.

Go Through the Gas Gap


Simple things such as the gas gap would have detrimental consequences on your fuel efficiency. After some years, the rubber seal present on the gas caps starts wearing out and becomes brittle, and the oxygen starts coming out of it. Try to replace the gas cap every now and then to get a fuel-efficient car.

Use AC Separately

The AC system must be used only when it’s needed. The AC system adds extra load to the engine and impedes the fuel efficiency of the car. This car equipment reduces the efficiency of the vehicle depending upon the type of vehicle you have and how it works. Avoid using a fan to keep the air within the car cool, and if it is very hot within the car, keep the temperature to 72 degrees within the car. Park the vehicle in the shade to boost the fuel economy as it reduces the hard work of the AC, which is done to keep the vehicle cool.

Go for Carpooling


If everyone is moving in the same direction, choose to carpool instead of commuting on separate vehicles. This gives a boost to the vehicle’s fuel economy and helps you commute without any hassle.

Use Make the Most of Cruise Control on the Highway

There is no benefit of changing fuel speeds. Try using cruise control instead and see significant improvement in fuel economy.

Maintain Your Car Properly

Regular maintenance would increase the lifespan of your car and is an effective way to improve fuel economy. For instance, the poorly aligned wheels start fighting with each other and hamper the fuel economy to a great extent. In addition, a dirty filter prevents air entry within the engine, making the air to fuel ratio higher and surges gasoline consumption.

Wrapping Up

Implement these tips and notice improvements in the vehicle’s fuel economy. If the mechanic tells about the part issues, purchase a new one and use the saved fuel money elsewhere. Always buy quality and reasonable parts from ‘The Auto Parts Shop’.

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