Safety is an aspect that mustn’t be compromised at any cost. Issues such as a broken seat belt buckle might become a concern to your safety and takes a toll on an individual’s emotional well-being. One has to pay a hefty fine as he drives with a broken belt. Fortunately, a broken seat belt buckle… Continue reading How To Fix a Broken Seat Buckle?
Author: mohitsharma
Ways to Make the Car Exhaust Sound Louder
The exhaust system is one of the crucial car components. There are ways that you can implement to make it sound louder without worrying about the budget constraints. This guide highlights some practical approaches that can make car exhausts sounds louder. Along with it, the average price of every item has been shared so that… Continue reading Ways to Make the Car Exhaust Sound Louder
How to Eliminate the Strip Oil Drain Plug(Also repair the Pan Hole of the Oil)?
One of the most difficult tasks during an oil change is to strip the oil drain plug. These situations make you scratch your head, and your mind starts thinking of ways to deal with them. However, by applying the right technique and purchasing the right strip oil drain plug removal kit from Autoparts, you can… Continue reading How to Eliminate the Strip Oil Drain Plug(Also repair the Pan Hole of the Oil)?