The car dashboard consists of various warning lights.One of them is used for the engine pressure management while the other one manages the oil pressure.These lights illuminate the moment the vehicle’s ignition is turned on and goes out as you turn it off.An illuminating warning light while the engine is on can be an indication… Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Take Ignore the Warning Lights?
Author: mohitsharma
How Often Should You Detail Your Car
Car enthusiasts understand the significance of their cars. They expect their car to look as if it has been recently bought from the showroom. Car detailing has turned their dream of having a spick and span car come true. Detailing isn’t just confined to a car wash but is accurate and labor-intensive work. What All… Continue reading How Often Should You Detail Your Car
9 Questions to Ask Before Giving Your Car to a Mechanic
Car enthusiasts understand the significance of a well-maintained car. This is why it’s hard for them to confide their trust in any mechanic shop in their vicinity. Giving the car to an untrusted one would lead to more issues and costly repairs in the years to come. Ask the following questions from the mechanic to… Continue reading 9 Questions to Ask Before Giving Your Car to a Mechanic